
Just before you knocked on my heart, you already had sent angels out. The angels whispered in my dream that you would come, and that you would make my heart fly. And when you did come, little sheep, as if you grew inside of me, I love you, forever knocking, here you will be beside me. I will knit you hundreds of miles of the softest yarn to cover you, be my color, be my lover, my dearest precious, always you.

Let’s go places, let’s write stuffings, let’s make people see the world, let us open their hearts and eyes, dish out free smiles, infect everybody with the sweetest poise, let them be grateful, for sight and hearing, for touch and scent and of your voice. Never grow up, I will show you, it’s not much better sight from near, I will bow down, to viewpoint, hear me knocking, open your door, let me in, I want to be here.