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Sheebo just heard the weirdest of sounds.

And so he went to investigate.

It seemed to come from above.

So Sheebo climbed up.

There it was! Or better said: there she was! It seemed a sheep in distress.

How did you get here, Elsa asked.
I can ask you the same, he replied.

Sheebo tried pulling Elsa out of her distress.

He did a fairly good job. Or a unmistakenly poor one. But he got her out regardless of the quality of the job.

I am here, Elsa bleated.
Me too, he replied.

Elsa said: I wasn’t in distress at all, that’s just Pota’s interpretation.
She made Sheebo follow her gaze.

I deliberately locked myself behind bars, because I didn’t want to unpack those gifts alone, Elsa said. Not only does misery need company, but presents need them as well.